..jones of ffestiniog..
nice that josie came home
that your braces are right
and hoping they are strong
enough against gravity
apologies in that i had hoped
to visit again yesterday yet
the day slowed and failed
our news came and carried on all day
we watched the weather change and
saw a hint of blue from the window
i am assuming you and nancy work
at the same place?
if so convenient for travelling
to and fro
softer light this morning
less glare and while the radio
i plan a trip to the bala studio
today. am stuck here/ an impasse
so i will move and see what comes
i too like mothths an spell it so
a sound of silk and softness
sound of thththths wingthths
the knapweed is real gone over
now yet still retain a beauty so
will remain
ah the news again each twenty minutes
in the hour and uk is no longer measles
a shame
a worry
i have no experience yet
am sure it is a really difficult
we must look after ourselves
some how
i hear greta is landed
for now
6.42 am
music from the mission
lorries on the road
jones of ffestiniog